08-29-04 - Jesus of History...
08-29-04 - Pedophilia.
08-28-04 - Oh Sigh.
08-27-04 - Longest Entry Ever.
08-26-04 - What Saves Us Kills Us More
08-25-04 - LanguageoftheDead
08-25-04 - St. Jo's.
08-24-04 - Beat Me Down.
08-21-04 - Licorice Solves Everything. War...World Hunger...AIDS...Broken Bones...Well. Maybe not broken bones.
08-14-04 - I Have a Statue of Satan Next to My Voodoo Candles in My Bedroom...Really I Do...And Next To Mr. Diablo is a Plastic Gary the Snail.
08-13-04 - Attention Whores AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! (Oh, Bite Me)
08-13-04 - Bass..?
08-12-04 - Alice in Psycholand: I Have New Hair.
08-11-04 - Emeralds, Cobras, Dreams of Dying
08-11-04 - She of the Sweater Vests.
08-09-04 - Joy-ness-osity and Lack of Arm Muscle.
08-09-04 - Quizilla Is One of Those Things that Keep Me Entertained.
08-09-04 - Cool Person- August
08-08-04 - And Like Then I Like Got the Cutest Pair of Jeans, and Like...
08-07-04 - Bitter Fruit of the Days Frustration, Traded for the Night's Lonely Dream...
08-06-04 - Life is Too Damn Short.
08-06-04 - PhotoBox.
08-04-04 - Angst? I Don't Even Know Where to Begin.
08-04-04 - I Have Renewd My Faith in Alternative Press!!
08-04-04 - K-Mart.
08-03-04 - Scare Me.
08-02-04 - Just One More Stupid Kid Heading For Nowhere.
08-02-04 - Playlist- August
08-02-04 - Rock This Town.
08-01-04 - Green Hell.
08-01-04 - I Fell Into a Burning Ring of Fire..Went Down, Down, Down, as The Flames Went Higher...
07-31-04 - Dinner Table.
07-30-04 - I'm a Rebel, Dammit? See? ZIPPERS!!!
07-30-04 - I Hate Palos Verdes.
07-29-04 - Don't Even Bother.
07-28-04 - I'm Right Handed.
07-26-04 - Time Waster
07-26-04 - B-O-R-E-D-O-M
07-25-04 - TV Kills
07-24-04 - Your Daily Dose of Irony
07-24-04 - Freedom
07-23-04 - Abuse
07-23-04 - Lapse
07-22-04 - Random Musical Outbursts.
07-22-04 - Bona Fide Interesting-Ness
07-22-04 - Dull-At-the-Moment
07-21-04 - Diet.
07-21-04 - New Template!
07-21-04 - Boring-Ness
07-20-04 - I'll Give You a Dollar if You Know What Circumnambulate Means Without Looking it Up.
07-19-04 - Fuck A.F.I...........
07-19-04 - Personality Disorder Test
07-19-04 - Art Camp.
07-18-04 - RVs and Barbie Dolls.
07-18-04 - Eat Your Heart Out on a Plastic Tray.
07-17-04 - Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About Me.
07-17-04 - You Gotta Save, You Gotta Save Your Soul, Well, She Hates the Whole World.
07-16-04 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Doesn't Get You Far.
07-15-04 - Boredom Sucks.
07-15-04 - Oooooh...Satan Wears Halter Tops!
07-14-04 - Live Freaky! Die Freaky!
07-14-04 - Cool Person of the Month!- July
07-14-04 - I Love Tiger Army....And Also Kind of Hate Them Too.
07-13-04 - Sad But True
07-13-04 - What I Learned on My Summer Vacation...
07-13-04 - It's about 2 in the morning my time....
06-22-04 - Last Entry for...A long time...Sadness.
06-22-04 - Knees
06-22-04 - Pardon my Morning Demeanor
06-21-04 - My Pets Scare Me
06-21-04 - I Hate My Template
06-21-04 - Cast
06-21-04 - Nirvana?
06-20-04 - What the fuck is wrong with you, Lizz??
06-20-04 - Backsliding into Hell.
06-19-04 - Slaves of Speigal
06-19-04 - TV Kills
06-18-04 - Waste of Space/Time
06-18-04 - More Quizzes for the extras page...
06-18-04 - Orthodontist
06-17-04 - I Hate Surveys!
06-17-04 - Quizzes That I Stole From Sarah!...And I Some I Stole from Other People...
06-17-04 - Sing Sing Death House
06-16-04 - Graduation
06-15-04 - Archives
06-12-04 - Mrs. Lovatt
06-11-04 - Emolicious
06-11-04 - Extras
06-10-04 - ALONE TIME
06-09-04 - Welcome...To Hell
06-07-04 - Grades Explained
06-07-04 - Not Drunk
06-06-04 - Ranger
06-05-04 - Fuck You
06-04-04 - No Time
06-03-04 - Can legs even HAVE Karma??
06-03-04 - How?
06-02-04 - Dumbfucks.
06-01-04 - Gatorade.
05-31-04 - Ebola Moneys.
05-31-04 - Exhausted
05-31-04 - Boredom.
05-31-04 - Welcome...To hell.
05-30-04 - .I Hate the Play.
05-28-04 - Damn Fucking Yankees.
05-27-04 - Procrastination!
05-27-04 - My Eyes...They Burn!
05-26-04 - Happy Fucking Birthday.
05-25-04 - Good Charlotte and Shakespeare....A rather odd combination.
05-25-04 - Hurried.
05-24-04 - I Cannot Tolerate Shit Like This
05-24-04 - Obsession
05-23-04 - Blood
05-23-04 - Dull
05-22-04 - Quizzes 3.
05-21-04 - I'm Lonely.
05-21-04 - Fuck Angst
05-21-04 - I was bored. So kill me.
05-21-04 - Who Are You?
05-20-04 - Ska-Tanic
05-19-04 - Caffeine in the Mayo
05-19-04 - Downhill
05-18-04 - Hell?
05-18-04 - That it So SKA....Ha. I'm a loser!
05-17-04 - Pathetic...
05-16-04 - Butterflies?
05-15-04 - Come On People
05-15-04 - I Hate Weekends
05-14-04 - Road to Ruin
05-14-04 - Get Your Own Fucking Life.
05-13-04 - Oooh...I think the glue may be too advanced for me...
05-13-04 - stupid.
05-12-04 - You've Like Never Like Heard Rap Like?
05-12-04 - Hands
05-11-04 - Apologies.
05-11-04 - Shoelaces
05-10-04 - AFI
05-10-04 - Boring with a Capital Nothing-to-Say
05-08-04 - Go Buy Law of Intertia
05-08-04 - Sealing the Deal
05-07-04 - Its really all over.
05-06-04 - Too Tired to Write
05-05-04 - Wicked Witch of The West Effect
05-05-04 - I Quoted Avril!
05-04-04 - Just Rambling. Again.
05-04-04 - Magazines
05-03-04 - I'm EMU!!! Oh yeah. And so fucking cool, man.
05-03-04 - Fucking Hot Here.
05-02-04 - Blame Finch
05-02-04 - ANOTHER rehersal....
05-01-04 - "Knowledge"
05-01-04 - Ska
04-30-04 - I Hate Rehersals.
04-29-04 - Bullshit.
04-27-04 - Baseball
04-27-04 - BASS
04-26-04 - Thirty Seven Days
04-25-04 - Upper-High-Class
04-24-04 - Shakespeare Festival.
04-23-04 - "Sweetness" and 1984
04-23-04 - Miss
04-23-04 - Oooooh....Emo!
04-22-04 - Relation
04-22-04 - Uh....Well. Not much.
04-21-04 - Star Wars...Kinda
04-20-04 - NoFX, MxPx, and other bands with acronyms that include X.
04-19-04 - Tattoos and Day-Glo
04-19-04 - Let's just stick with apathy.
04-19-04 - I'm a Bagel- Bite Me
04-18-04 - Wisdom.
04-18-04 - The Descendants
04-18-04 - Fashion?
04-18-04 - I Play Dress Up
04-17-04 - Surveys Make Me Happy.
04-17-04 - NHOI
04-17-04 - Go
04-17-04 - This ones a long one.
04-17-04 - Millions
04-17-04 - More Surveys!
04-17-04 - Loveliness
04-16-04 - Short
04-16-04 - Motivation
04-16-04 - HIM
04-15-04 - The Used v. NewFucking Found Glory
04-15-04 - My Room is Like a Cave
04-14-04 - "Feel the balls"
04-14-04 - Stuff You Don't Actually Care About
04-14-04 - Brody-ness
04-14-04 - Argh.
04-13-04 - Just Don't Read This.
04-13-04 - Lostness
04-13-04 - Shallowness
04-12-04 - A New Low
04-12-04 - Absolute Delirium
04-12-04 - The Special AKA
04-12-04 - Just Ignore Me. Please.
04-11-04 - Happy Easter
04-10-04 - Ooooo....That is so Like Hardcore Like!
04-10-04 - Joy
04-10-04 - In a Kinda Weird Mood
04-09-04 - What. The. Fuck.
04-09-04 - Story of My Life
04-09-04 - Bitching About Absolutely Fucking Nothing
04-08-04 - Like OMFG!!!! Cheer!!!
04-08-04 - ?
04-08-04 - Shaddered
04-08-04 - NY/DC
04-02-04 - A Note Before I am Gone
04-01-04 - Oh Fuck
03-31-04 - I Seriously Did Not Know People Were THIS stupid!!!
03-31-04 - Anarchy in Relation To AntiSocial Sunshine
03-31-04 - What the Fuck???????
03-30-04 - Berated by an Avril Worshipper
03-30-04 - Ew.
03-29-04 - Stupidity
03-29-04 - Drama, NY, and Other Shit Like That
03-29-04 - Loathe
03-29-04 - My sister is moron
03-28-04 - Woah! A Whole Entry About Virtually Nothing!
03-28-04 - Rice-a-Roni
03-28-04 - Packing Hell
03-28-04 - Thanks.
03-28-04 - Very Little
03-27-04 - These People Should Die
03-27-04 - Revolting
03-26-04 - Hypocritical Hypocrits
03-26-04 - Overall Irritation
03-26-04 - The Boredom Ensues
03-25-04 - NY/DC
03-24-04 - Holy Shit
03-24-04 - Yet another note to Galen
03-23-04 - Argh...
03-23-04 - Oi.
03-22-04 - Jell-o
03-22-04 - Hanson...Again!
03-22-04 - Hanson
03-22-04 - Doctor's Visit
03-21-04 - Scary
03-21-04 - The Clash
03-20-04 - Not much
Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 - High Hopes
Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 - Madness
2004-03-20 - Side Pony Tails
2004-03-19 - Anarchy
2004-03-19 - Pep
2004-03-19 - [so delirious]
2004-03-19 - Thank You AFI
2004-03-17 - Kindnessosityful
2004-03-17 - Tired.
2004-03-17 - Morons.
2004-03-17 - To Galen...Again
2004-03-17 - To Galen
2004-03-17 - Sisters....Suck.
2004-03-17 - Wishful Thinking
2004-03-16 - uhhh...I forgot.
2004-03-16 - Campaigns Please?
2004-03-16 - Lasagna
2004-03-15 - "Rawk".
2004-03-15 - Cheerleaders (Should die)
2004-03-15 - The Used
2004-03-15 - Something
2004-03-14 - Hurt
2004-03-14 - Reassurance
2004-03-14 - NHOI
2004-03-14 - Or
2004-03-13 - Too, Too True
2004-03-13 - Apathy
2004-03-13 - Better than Nothing
2004-03-13 - Proving My Point
2004-03-12 - Pathalogical Minds
2004-03-12 - Physicality (is that a word?)
2004-03-12 - Right
2004-03-11 - Incentive
2004-03-10 - Screw Up
2004-03-10 - Perfection
2004-03-09 - St. Lesbian's
2004-03-09 - Rancid
2004-03-08 - Cruel
2004-03-08 - Liar
2004-03-08 - Melting
2004-03-08 - Hot
2004-03-08 - Nomenclature
2004-03-07 - Waffles
2004-03-07 - Rantings of a Would Be
2004-03-06 - Quotes of the Week said by Actual people
2004-03-06 - Internet radio
2004-03-05 - Hmmm
2004-03-05 - Help
2004-03-05 - Bad Day Of Many
2004-03-04 - Mental Hangover
2004-03-03 - Identity Crisis
2004-03-03 - A short obsession
2004-03-03 - Damn right
2004-03-03 - Falling
2004-03-01 - The Little Things.
2004-03-01 - Forgot
2004-02-28 - What ever you say...
2004-02-28 - Cheesburgers for Breakfast
2004-02-27 - More Pointless quizilla crap
2004-02-27 - Once again, frightening the preps
2004-02-27 - Hungriness
2004-02-25 - Fat Toast
2004-02-25 - Impulsively
2004-02-25 - Something Always Is.
2004-02-25 - Angel
2004-02-24 - Electric Buzzy Things and Ice
2004-02-23 - Remember
2004-02-23 - Brunette
2004-02-23 - Pretty Good
2004-02-22 - Sick of Complaining
2004-02-22 - Once, I saw a Bird.
2004-02-22 - Exhaustion

latest entry

