21.04.13 . 8:48 pm

He tells me about the girlfriend he is not in love with and the house he has to leave

And I want to kiss his face

And kiss his neck

And touch his collarbones

And hold his hands

His body is so warm

I need to separate myself, it was never a good idea- It was just boredom, that was all that it was, and he's a good man and a kind man-

I don't even remember why I decided I was going to play with him like this-

And in the constant hustle of a Thursday or a Friday, his hands always find me, even if only for a moment, during every dinner shift.

And I tell him, without thinking, 'No, don't leave me here-' and he hugs me, several seconds too long, his arms are left around me-

He is good and normal and beautiful. I'm already so sorry.

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