03.07.11 . 2:15 am

You were tired, quiet. I moved all my things out of the flat today so you came to lift things and put them into Kelly's car- But you came because I said I wouldn't see you for a week, I have to go away for a funeral

Your coat had a hole in the pocket that had worn through the lining and I could see your tobacco as you took it off, revealed the grey striped shirt that I like with the hole in the elbow, the one that's worn at the collar

I see you more than any other person, I spend all day every day with you nearly- although you've been absent so much recently, no money for the trains- and we've been arguing about your painting of your ex girlfriend

But still, six months, and you have been counting recently- and I sometimes look at you and it's like I've never seen you, like you're still a stranger, like you're new

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