28.09.08 . 8:24 pm

The more you say, the more everything about your life becomes clearer and the more everything gets muddied

One day, far in the future, I will be able to look someone in the face and tell them how sadness can see itself in other people, like a beacon and it draws us all towards it and in towards each other- I can feel it, I can absolutely feel it in people, and I know that they feel it in me, I know that that's absolutely the only reason any of it works; how, unlike any other emotion I've ever felt, it knows no competition.

And even as we're exchanging horror stories, ours and other people's, I'm not trying to be more or less or worse or better, this or that, I'm just saying, I know, I know, I hear you, I know how you feel, I understand, because I know that you can hear that because I know you know that if I said those words you'd know that I was lying. Because people who say that always are.

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