11-29-06 . 6:04 pm

In my heart, I know exactly what truth is. But every time I open my mouth, I feel just like a child and the words get caught in the back of my mouth.

Some days, I write because it's the only faith in anything that I have. It's faith that people are real, and then people live the way they should. It's faith that goodness- Real, selfless goodness lives in ordinary, extraordinary people. It's faith that purpose exists, and that lives can be lead through purpose.

It's the kind of faith that I've only found in Sarah- In her goodness, and the kind of person she is and the kind of life she's had.

And it's the kind of faith that leaves me with no doubt that some of these people aren't just in my head and out there in the world, waiting, as I expect they would- They're stumbling through their own way, and they're making it, one day at a time, until we all just find each other.

It's faith in strength. And faith in integrity.

It's faith that I'm alright and that life exists outside parameters.

It's all I have.

It just is.

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