07-26-06 . 1:35 am

You fucking teenagers, I swear.

It's fucking disgusting.

You want to tell us that you're saving yourself for marriage and then how you're making out in hottubs with random guys you don't even know very well and getting drunk and god knows what else?

You're fucking hypocrites, that's all you are.

Because we all know that it's fucking Jesus that you're thinking about while you're sitting on his lap. And he's stoned and you don't care because what? What? It's just something to do? It's fun? Because everyone else is doing it?

You know, and you think you're so fucking righteous. You really think you are.

As if there was only one way to sell yourself out for about a million less than you're actually worth.

Well, you know what, God help you the next time you ask for respect from fucking anyone.

If you can't manage to act like you're worth anything, no one else is going to either.

It's fucking sick.

It's just pathetic and stupid and hypocritical.

As if we would even care if it was someone who actually cared about you- Anyone who gave a damn. Anyone who we could trust to, I don't know- Take care of you? Instead of some fucking stoner and some nineteen year old who's dating some other girl his age.

It's just... It's sad, and I'm a little fucking disgusting that I'm friends with you, honestly.

I'm disgusting that this is how little you think of yourselves.

And how little I think of you now.

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