06-20-06 . 5:40 pm

I swear, my domestic skills are in the negative range. It's almost funny, you know.

Who else can manage to take a nice package of organic macaroni and cheese- all pre packaged, just boil and add the stuff- and make some, strange milky mixture that leaves you with a burning coppery aftertaste in your mouth?

That would be me.

But I'm blaming the LA Water Dept. for giving us tap water that is dirtier than licking the sidewalk.

So there you go.

I woke up at noon today, as if it even matters. And I have to get up at five tomorrow. How unfair is that?

Fuck summer school man. Mrs. Frank-Thompson, who I saw today as I waited for Maddy's bus to come, thought I was crazy. It was kind of funny.

Kind of.

You know, if I had felt any different.

Goodbye, one week of summer. You died too young, kid.

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