05-24-06 . 5:25 pm

I feel like Sarah isn't talking to me.

That's probably insensitive.

Everybody's leaving and it's weird. And we're back on the "Hey, wait, I go to school, right?" schedule where, you know, we only occasionally drop in for education's sake.

I can't explain it. Not that. Up there, I mean. Everything. I can't explain it.

Like, everything's going great except the I think Sarah not talking to me thing, only nothing actually is going great.

And we don't have any money and they cut down our tree and all my grades are bad and Liesa's going on the England trip and no one wants her there and my sister's turning nine and my roots have all grown out and the weather's hot.

But I feel all okay about it. I just keep going. You know.

The insults "I hope you get hugged by a leper" and "I hope you go back in time and get eaten by Ghengis Khan" were exchanged under unusual circumstances today. And we went to Mass and Sarah DeRuter freaked out and had to leave because they played the song they played at her dad's funeral and me and Emily just Meowed all the songs and I talked in my rapist voice and Ashely spelled out the word PENIS on everyone's back and Jordan molested my hair.

In church.

You know, it's Catholic school like that.

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