05-21-06 . 3:53 pm

Eventful week?

Monday: Sick [Migraine, Nosebleed, Nausea]
Tuesday: Sick [See Above]
Wednesday: Sick [See Above]
Thursday: Tech job [Set up all the light programs for the choir concert with Mr. B & Dan, got asked to be DA next year]; Milena, Kevin, and Alix's Confimation @ St. John Fisher [Note: Saw Gasper Espinoza. He suddenly turned into a very short Robert Schwartzmann]
Friday: Tech Job [Lights program for the dance concert]; Party at the Howden's for said Confirmation, Da Vinvi Code at midnight
Saturday: Chinatown
Sunday: Skipped church.

I'm too distracted to verbalize things right now. I'm tired of people who refuse to grasp larger pictures and take on history for its mantel.

Nothing goes away.

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