04-24-06 . 6:54 pm

Day 3328742398749832 of Spring Break was, for the official record, just as fantastically productive as every other day. I.E. I layed around, ate too much food, and watched Monty Python DVDs.

Yesterday was good though.

We went down to the Silverlake art district and stood around the interactive fountain. The sea monsters loved me. The reaction was, I believe, "Really? Something monstrous and aquatitic direction devotion at Elizabeth? Really?!". And then we went to a little toy store like Giant Robot or Kidrobot (except without the word "robot" in it, because we in the underground art scenes are really, really terribly original), and me and my sister bought action figures by the guy who makes the Ugly Dolls and had a big debate with the lady who owned the store about the relevence of the Ugly Dolls and why they were no longer underground and therefore no longer relevant.

And then she tried to buy my purse. And my mom's purse.

I have her card.

And then we ate at Philipe's next to a group of tourists in from Union Station who kept saying "Yes, yes, this is the spot! This is a true representaion of the Angelino working class life!"

And it was kind of funny, but I kind of made me need to hit them.

(Or at least tell them to please just eat their sandwhiches and stop being politically relevant.)

And then we went to the Natural History Museum. And looked at bugs and stuff.

And I was supposed to call up my group for a DTASC rehersal tomorrow, but I didn't because I'm lazy and unorganized. So I don't really know what to do.

Oh, and on the whole Karma Improvement Plan, Alix seems to be making substantial headway. Somehow, by just being nice to her sister and brother, she has magically made Panic! at the Disco rearrange their schedule for a San Diego show.

I, however, have yet to figure out what it is exactly that I have to improve (because, honestly, everything needs improvement, if you ask me, but I'm looking for, you know... A little more... Specific). So there's that for something to do.

I felt ugly and slimy all day. I guess it's good I was inside, after all.

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