04-20-06 . 12:32 am

Interesting Quotes of Interest Today:

"Well, so, Libby and Gerald... Well, Gerard I guess. I always just call him Gerald now..."

"... He could pull of Gerald..." (long pause) "...Or Antonio..."

Disneyland blew.

I fucking have to get up in the morning too, so it was obviously a great investment of time.

And we got verbally abused by these ugly British teenagers acted like assholes (so we just politely inquired as to the size of their testicles), so then we decided that we just want to become lesbians.

(And not because we loved women. Just because we hate men.)

But then we were waiting in line for something behind this really gorgeous kid in a Coheed & Cambria shirt, so we changed our mind.

But, you know, we were so disillusioned with his... hajgdfjhsdfgness, that we completely forgot where we were going and ended up getting on the ride with this big group of these skinny emo kids. Which is totally lame because everyone knows that you have to get on rides with fat people because... Inertia. Or something. I knew once.

Me and Alix can't figure out our karma. That was sort of the topic of the day. We're trying to mend it.

Because we're sort of at this amazing karma equilibrium. Like, everytime something good happens, something equally irritating follows. ALL THE TIME.

Like today- I went in with money and before we even got in the park, we went into Sephora to get new liquid eyeliner because it looked like I had gotten my old one out of a swamp. And I also ended up getting some nice eyeshadow in Mildew (Sidebar- Who the fuck wants mold on their eyes? I swear. Soon they're gonna fucking start with like Bubonic Plague Lipgloss!!). Which was nice. But then it turned out that my pass didn't work. So I had to buy a ticket like a real person. So I had no food.

And, yes, this story has absolutely nothing to do with anything, least of all being my point (which I've already forgotten). But I ended up being very hungry.

And I'm really good with the whole "fishing for sympathy" thing.

So she's going to stop being a bitch all the time and cursing like a drunk sailor and I'm going to stop... Everything. I think being cynical and vindictive and patronizing.

Or something.

And, you know, for the record- Just as a side note- Everyone needs to go fucking kill themselves.

And stop calling me an emo kid. Because I'll suck their brains out and make their kidneys explode.

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