03-27-06 . 1:05 am

I haven't updated in several days. Things feel safe and sound here in the morning.

We saw John Cleese live on Thursday at the theater at UCLB. We had great seats- In the fourth row, right in front of this group of old ladies who kept talking about the kinds of cereal they eat. My mom and my sister hated it, but parts of it were really funny.

I don't remember Friday at all.

I did sleep all day yesterday. Like, all day. I finished the first book of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but that was all else.

It's a very good book- The Hunchback- which I didn't really expect. Even though it's in that sort of long-winded and horrendous Dickens kind of prose, the humor is very black. Things aren't painted- things aren't there just for convenience or motif.

Today, we went to PUC and Reverand John's sermon was amazing. The first one I've hear that's actually recieved applause. We went to starbucks before and I had the drink that tastes like hot graham crackers and spilled it in my hair.

I came home and read and watched the history channel.

I've been taking a lot of pictures lately...

And I don't have school tomorrow, but I don't know why.

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