03-22-06 . 12:00 am

I'm going to cry.

Well, actually, alright, I am crying.

I lost my retainer. Like, two weeks ago.

And, frankly, my life's been really busy and the state of my teeth hasn't exactly been my top priority.

And... And now they've all moved. I can feel it. And they're going to have to put me back in braces.

I know they will.

And it will cost my parents an arm and a leg and...

It's just because I'm stupid and lazy and... Now my teeth will never be fixed and they were supposed to be done, like, a year ago.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel so ridiculously bad.

Who the hell cries over their teeth? I'm sobbing. I sobbed yesterday.

I'm tired of making mistakes, but I just cannot find it. It's too late, I think, but I... I just want to find it.

I've ripped my room apart twice. I didn't do homework yesterday or today because I was looking for it...

I just... I don't know what to do...

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