08-08-05 . 12:19 pm

Sometimes, I don't even know how things happened.
This was sent to me via myspace:

"You deserve love. Girrrrrl, if I was HALF as cool, brilliant, self-realized as you at your age, I may not be as neurotic at this one. You are so ahead of the game. You deserve copious amounts of praise and love be heaped upon you by fabulous, brilliant people.

I relate to you so intensely and I'm 36. Single, overweight, not at all sure what I want to do with my life but sing. Broke and have lost many friends due to wanting to be treated better.

Hang in there girl. The special cannot be expected to live quiet, peaceful lives. It is simply the truth. We are gifted with this. It cannot be viewed as a burden. It is ours to carry and it sucks so often. But we were chosen. By who/what, I couldn't tell you. But I know it in my bones. "

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