08-04-05 . 1:25 am

Man, so I just saw the video for "Bat Country" ( it takes a while to load).

And even though it was kind of more "What the fuck?!" than Girls Not Grey...I liked it.

But I pretty sure that I could sit through three hours of Liberaci singing the world's greatest Polka hits as long as Shadows was there... And preferably shirtless.

But, seriously. It just made me feel like there was some great metaphor to it, but I was just too stupid to understand it.

I mean... The whole thing with the strippers... And then Zachy (looking sexy, by the way, Sarah) in the bathtub with the octopus...

I don't know.

I kept laughing really hard. I like cheap music videos. Ones like this where they spend all this money and it comes out funny... I never like them as much.

I mean, look at Tiger Army videos. The early ones are so rad because they look like they were fucking shot in Nick's backyard, and the new video (the 'boobs and ass' video as we like to call it) came out like shit because they spent money on it. (And added Masuimi Max, who I dislike...)

But anyway.

I mostly just came here to point out how you're all jealous of me because I own Matt and all his sex-god-ness, but then it actually turned into something logical. (Dont' you hate that? I mean, come on! I just want to drool, but I end up making a point of some sort...Bastards...)

But, you know, I don't actually spend enough time being all OCD over them. I've liked them since I was about 13. [That's a long time in my recent history, FYI] and Waking the Fallen was just about my entire life for awhile.

And then there's the whole "OHMYGODIWANTMATTRIGHTNOW"-wanting to throw yourself at on him thing.

That's always helped.


I swear. One day I'll look back... And wonder what the fuck I was on. I kind of wonder it now, though...

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