08-02-05 . 6:28 pm

This'll mean something to Sarah if it means anything to anyone.

Okay, so you remember the bitch who accused me of stealing her stories because they were, like, ohmygod so completely fabulous and I couldn't think of anyone better to steal from?

Not only did she include something in her story all of a sudden that was in mine, but all she's written since the, uh, 'incident' is complete bullshit filler crap.




Like you didn't know my gay Frank story that I hate was ten million times better than your gay Frank story that I hate.

(Uh... Conflicted much?)

Now she's all scraping for compliments too. For someone who spent SO MUCH TIME after the accusation saying how she didn't care what people though, she's sure saying a whole lot of "Please tell me whta you think! It's so important!"s.


You are so amazingly pathetic, I almost feel sorry for you.

In other news, I hate everyone, but not near so much as I hate myself. I hate my body and it hates me back. I'm in love with illness. I haven't showered in weeks and I'm in a constant state of nasea.

Summer is OVER in twenty days.


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