07-18-05 . 9:50 pm

Tiny update because all my shit is on MY COMPUTER. Which, incidentally, is sitting next to me with all the fabulous stories of The Thing and driving from Tucson, Arizona to San Antonio, Texas on it. And lovely pictures of glow in the dark slushies and purple hair and massive nosebleeds.

But the only Starbucks won't let me into the internet on my laptop : (

So I'm writing form the hotel public computer (lamexcore).


Like trying to breath hot water!

I'll try and post all my shit tomorrow in Dallas or something. We driving to New Orleans tomorrow. (Exciting?!)

On a happy note, I'm gonna throw up cause Texas can't seem to make good mexican food (?!?!!?) and I've turned into the human blood faucent and have really violent nosebleeds all the time.

Still enjoying Harry Potter. (Hormones like woah for all the characters!! It's weird. I'm, like, their age this time...Aw, I grew up with Harry...Hehe...)

Sorry this is lame. I'm tired.

love to everyone♥
I promise I'll give you a real update and stuff soon.


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