07-09-05 . 10:03 am

While, unlike the other times when I don't write for a couple of days, I've actually felt motivated to write- I've refrained from doing so because all it would result in would be kind of senseless babbling. (More than usual...). And, boy, could I do a lot of bitching on why I'm straightedge right about now, but I won't, cause I'll just make myself really irritated....

So, here, in appropriately stupid bullet point format, here is my week/day/thing:

� Four hour long aim conversations
� My bottom lip turning into one big open wound
� Bleeding when I talk.
� Waking up covered in blood
� Extensive nosebleeds, cuts, and bruises
� I swear Bert McCracken can't read.
� The Downtown LA flower market
� Hopping fences and climbing onto school roofs
Combat Baby
� Getting dirty looks for screaming "What the fuck is wrong with you you stupid pansy?!"
� Dr. Phil.
� Extensive Snapple theft
� Trying to break into the Mason's Lodge. Damn Masons.
� Losing my poetry notebook :(
� Being sanded
� Waiting for an hour and a half in the DMV and watching travel videos for the Grand Canyon.
� "Did he just say "Shave my fucking head and never be afraid again?'"
� Punk rock autoharp.
� Actually getting work done.
� Not getting any work done and just sleeping on the floor of the library.
� Weird Super Secret Twin ESP(n) dreams.
� Not dreaming about Davey.
� Almost passing out and not being able to see
� Not having anymore eyeliner
� Not enough caffeine
� Theda Bara
� Losing a West Coast is Better competition due to horrible outnumbering
� Waycest= B A D
� Being educated

And finally:

aerosolburn: I eat them a lot, however, so I'll just assume that I'm not consuming evil frozen food...

mouth is dry: but you love the devil

aerosolburn:That's true...I do love Satan...
aerosolburn:Well, all religious iconography...
aerosolburn:My mom bought me this BEAUTIFUL picture of a saint on ebay. She had all these knives stuck in her.

mouth is dry: exactly

aersolburn: And what could be better than THAT?

mouth is dry: um....gerard....on your bed

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