06-27-05 . 5:35 pm

So I started work today.

And when I say work, I mean of the volunteer variety. The one where you get paid in hours and not dollars. It's just to fill up my requirements. [Catholic school- you have to fullfill comminuty service requirements]

I'm working at my old Elementary school. They're closing it after this summer. It's a sad thing.

But it's bascially a one room school house. So you can't really blame them.

But today, instead of working with the pre-k kids like I usually do, me and Alix got assigned to the library.

Which is good, cause I was pretty sure they were gonna put us in The Cave- the horrors of which could not possibly be described. The Cave is a horrid fate.

But, no, we get to sort through children's books for hours and hours and hours, picking out which ones belong to LAUSD and which don't, while listening to Simple Plan and The Young and the Hopeless.


In theory.

Really we just read entries from the Dictionary of Saints and ate popsicles and slept on the floor.

Okay, and organized some books. We even shelved some too!

But the Saints were my favorite. They had really nice descriptions of my favorite saint, St. Lucy. She's the awesomest. Actually, if I were her, I would have lost my eyes years and years ago. I think I would be running out of body parts to remove by now if I were her, actually....

Anyway, after, I walked home with the Onoratos and went to the scary bakery with all the flies in the case. Augie and I laughed about butts. Niki got OCD. Alix yelled at all of us and then hopped the fence.

I got to call someone vagina boy.


And then, not only did I come home to Sarah's letter (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) but my new copy of Harold and Maude and the first MCR cd.

Sometimes this dullness if quite interesting.

Go figure.

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