06-24-05 . 4:02 pm

Heres' a phrase I don't like to hear more than once [ or ever]:

"Now, this is cold and smelly and this is hot and it burns. Close your eyes."

Thank you Miss Dermatologist's Assistant.

I dislike the dermatologist. Actually, I just dislike anyone who asks me questions and touches me.

That sounds terrible, but it's true.

I hate going to the dentist and getting my hair cut too. Someone should invent a salon where people just do their job and refrain from interacting with you in any manner or form...

Besides, they're also medicating me. Again. Which I dislike. Several medications really.

And then there's the ones that I have to get from the doctor for my insomnia. [ Hypnotics...Woohoo.... ] and all the shit from Dr. Whatshisface.

But whatever.

OH. And then we got to go to Lucille's and sit right by an very large insane woman who made farting noises at her small children the whole meal. And we orded fried chicken sandwhiches to see how frightening they are.

And guess what?

They're very frightening.

And the bookstore didn't have the CD(s) I wanted and the lady was a bitch when I asked her to direct me to a copy of The Glass Menagerie.

And looked at me funny because I say it the British way.

See, that's kind of the downside of your father having a sometimes strong British accent. It comes down to me, but sporadically.

Like I say aunt as awnt and menagerie as men-aw-jer-ee not men-a-geree

So yay for irritating genes and doctors who poke you!


I need to find new children to burn CDs off of. I'm bored with mine...



I have a headache.

Leave me notes if you love me.

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