05-27-05 . 10:01 pm


My sister has a disease that will probably make all the hair on her body fall out.

She's eight.

What the FUCK is wrong with that? She's fucking eight years old. She shouldn't have to deal with shit.

But she got a disease that they don't know anything about. One that they don't know how it starts, how it's spread, or how to treat it.

Yeah, so her hair could just fall out in patches, or it could all fall out and never grow back. Or it could all fall out and then all grow back. And if it grows back it could fall back out. Or not. It could just be on her head or it could be everything- her eyebrows, her eyelashes. Everything.

You know, it's not fucking fair. It's not like I'd wish this on anybody else, but she's my sister.

And can you imagine being eight and having all your hair fall out?


Fuck that.

In other news...

Oh, who cares.

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