04-25-05 . 7:27 pm

Recent events worth mentioning, but not really worth connecting into a solid story line.

*All of this happened, f.y.i., in case you wanna be like a jo'sho and not beleive me*

1. The "Ice Your Groin" Game
2. Cake fights
3. Banana fights
4. Paint fights
5. Burrito fights
6. Water fights
7. Lipstick fights
8. Wrestling
9. Sleeping in twin beds with three girls
10. Having to see God again
11. Mother Hicks is a witch they say
12. Moving to England with Ashley and Jordan and Alix and Milena
13. The Let's Poke Jessica game
14. Foam swords
15. PedroXcore
16. Green Day's American Idiot
18. The Poke Alix's Boobs Game
19. Padded Bras
20. Telling twelve year olds about diaphrams.

My life is boring. I SO WON The Ice Your Groin Game though.

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