04-19-05 . 12:34 pm

So my friends and I were making a list of the top HOTTEST fictional charachters of all time. As in, only ones from literature. It's too short :(

And one of my number one hottest people is from a book nobody else has read but was my favorite for three years just because of him...

Here It Is:

1. Hamlet from Hamlet
2. Tybolt from Romeo and Juliet
3. Sirius Black from Harry Potter
4. Holden Caldwell from Catcher in the Rye
5. Ducon Greve from Ombria in Shadow (That one was mine...Hee hee hee...Sexiness!)

You know, some highschool girls would make lists of the hottest movie star type people.

We can't even pick REAL PEOPLE.

Oh, and we're off Pope Watch.

All my friends are gonna be so fucking pissed. They picked the German guy...

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