03-17-05 . 7:09 pm

Happy Watch Others Drink Themselves Into a Stupor and Wear Green Day.

I swear, one day I'll just get a shirt that says "No, I'm not wearing green. Do you know why? BECAUSE I'M ACTUALLY IRISH."

Yeah, bite that.

Pretty lame day- save for the fact that I SWEAR TO GOD the cat really did eat my homework.

It did.

I'm not just making that up.

I watched it (and was so fascinated by the concept of a cat brutally attacking an innocent peice of dead tree....that I forgot to stop him....So kill me.)

That one didn't go over well.

In other news, Bosco (our boy's school) had a lovely Columbine type episode and people were making hit lists and plans to blow everyone up.

Too bad somebody had to go stop them- it really would have made my life more interesting.

Especially because I knew one of the guys who did it. Cracks me up. I think I talked with him like once- but I still knew who he was.

Everbody keeps bandying the phrase "When it rains it pours" about like something bad actually happened.

So I just tell them that when it rains, it doesn't just pour but God sends down mighty bolts of lightning with which to strike down they who have disobeyed his will and will fry them to oblivion.

(It didn't really go over well, but I've given up the whole pleasing people thing)

In other news, PIRASUS!


I could really go on about that- and how Pirasus is how you say "I'm a Pirate" in Latin and so we ran through the hallways screaming that to people, but I have a copy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail burning a whole in my desk.

Right onto my thigh.

It's not very pleasent....

QUOTES OF THE WEEK: (making fun of my paleness)

"Melanin- Something Jordan Has and Lizz Does Not."

"MAGGIE! Lizz is NOT the white board....She's just the same color!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! The blinding whiteness!!!!"

"Wow, Lizz. I think your blouse has a better tan."

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