02-07-05 . 5:40 pm


Today started off with me being kicked out of the library for checking to see that my eyeball wasn't going to fall out of it's socket.

And, I mean, for god's fucking sake. I looked in the damn mirror and Psycho Nun is all "OUT!!! OUT!!! O-U-T OUT!!!!!!!"

"That's ridiculous. I-"


"Well, good. I don't think hot irons'd do too great among the novels."


SO then. I get to PE, which is fucked just to begin with, and they made us where these disgusting pennies.

I could have died.

Something that I guess doesn't really translate into this is that I do have mild germaphobia and I cannot tolerate other people's filth. I really can't.

So I got yelled at then for falling to my knees and screaming "UNCLEAN!!!"

So that sucked. But then because it was Yell-At-Elizabeth day, Mr. B has to go and yell at me for "violently beating" someone with my keys and accusing them of hearing aliens from Canada named Tom and George.

They totally deserved it too. They took my pretty shiny heart shaped rock thing. What the hell.

After that, I only almost fell out of a moving car.

So, yeah, boring day.

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