02-02-05 . 5:02 pm

Oh my gosh. Such an important entry.

Guess what I'm writing this on?


My. New. Laptop! *Sqeal*

It's so exciting.

Anyway, other than that in my tiny, pathetic universe, PE is..Um....Fucking....Stupid.

I mean, what the hell. Most PE classes or whatever kind of ease you into thing, you know?

Not Ms. Whatsername. We come out in our ORANGE uniforms (They're slap-you-in-the-face kind of orange...Not just normal orange) and she's all "Okay, run."

Fucking hell. I hate physical education. I mean, I somehwta understand it's relevance, but I don't fucking want to run around with all these athlete girls for an hour while feeling

So it's pretty lame. But at least she's not a pedifle/the missing link. ("Where are my balls?! My balls are missing!!!!") At least...I don't think she is....


Other than that.....Uh....

Oh, I spent a large majority of algebra setting things on fire with Priscilla. It was awesome. Out teacher didn't even notice.

I mean, come on. We were torching our homework WITH A FUCKING LIGHTER and the woman didn't even blink.

Oh, and to everyone out there...

"Thou Waggish Fat-Kidneyed Rabbit-Sucker!!!!"

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