01-18-05 . 9:24 pm

It is not supposed to be 80 plus degrees in Janu-fucking-ary.

I am a pathetic Californian.

Anyway, we had our first day of finals today. Aced one. Failed another. Yay rah for me.

In other news...Well...Alright, I don't have any.

But, fuck, check out my archives page and witness the remarkable sexiness of the template. It is fucking gorgeous. I'm telling you.

It's too hot to type. I'll probably do something more tomorrow. I'm sorry to the people who I'm doing custom templates for- I'll have them done once finals are over. : (

Oh, I saw Kendal the slut making out with some guy on a corner yesterday. They stared at me like I had an arm growing out of my forehead.

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