12-16-04 . 6:53 pm

Note to self: make sure to take the right medication in the morning, so you're not forced to require your friends to repeatedly stab you with various pointy objects to keep you awake.

And when asked "Like what's wrong with you? Are you like on drugs or something?", the WRONG response is "No, I just took the wrong ones."

Trust me, it doesn't go over well.

Anyway, so I was drawing today and some girl comes up and is all "Oh. My. God...That is sooooooo deep. And sooooooo true."

Coming from the girl who is "like the biggest X fan EVER"...And failed to realized that I was just putting in the X lyric I had in my head.


Emo Girls=Even Stupider.

Emo Girls at St. Ho's= The mental embodyment of a meatloaf.

I also got called 'insane' today in drama. Repeatedly.

We were doing improv and I was the 'weird' one because I came up with 'weird' and 'funny' and 'cool' characters instead of bland photocopies of my favorite OC actor. Like ohmigawd!

But, hey. The Many Adventures of Tinfoil Man and Saran Wrap Girl (Saving the World One Leftover Meatloaf at a Time) was a big hit.

And, you know, as we all know originality is just another word for insanity.


"Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! Have a good vacation! Come back and we'll have sex!...I mean, learn about it...." --My health teacher.

Leave me notesnessosityful.

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