12-13-04 . 6:12 pm

You know there's a girl at my school who's last name is Kisass?

You know...Like Kiss Ass?

How totally aweful is THAT? WHY wouldn't you change your name?

And like what if they were doing a last names first deal?

"Smith, Ashley....Kiss Ass, Jennifer????"

Anyway, so I didn't go to school today.

I did, however do three more templates. (I know, I know...). Two Avenged Sevenfold ones- one of the whole band here and one of just M. Shadows here. And then I started to do one here with this cool picture of Theo Korgan from the Lunachicks that I found...But...I don't know..It doesn't look right....

Which is a shame. It took FOR-FREAKIN-EVER to slap together....

Anyway, so that was my day. I don't think I'll go to school tomorrow either. I still feel like shit. Or spucatum, as my Ancient Roman friends would say...

And so I'll end with another fabulous latin phrase. I'm sure all of you are very jealous of the fact that you don't have to sit and memorize four conjugations of words and six different variations of every word, now, huh???

Faciem durum cacantis habes- You have the face of a man with severe constipation.

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