12-08-04 . 9:09 pm

When someone asks you to picture your idea of an ideal family, take it as a sign of minor abnormality when The Addams Family comes to mind.

It's like yesterday- we were playing games in drama, and I had to pick a place for our scene to be. So I said the morgue.

Because, come on. Where else would you put a scene about flamingos?

God, I swear. I'm going straight to hell with no bathroom stops.

Today we had this liturgy thingy for the feast of Our Lady of Guadelupe. It was aweful. Well, actually I have no idea whether if was aweful or not. But that wasn't my fault. I couldn't pay attention. My contacts died, and left me blind as my one eyed, forty pound cat.

It's hard to appreciate precision of ceremony when all you can see is mulitcolored blurs. So I spent a lot of the time saying "Emily, look! A green blob! Hi Green Blob! And now look! A BLUE one!!! Helloooo Blue Blob!!"

I also got told I was going to hell when I asked why Mary was so damn imortant anyway. (And that she lived in my splein, but that's an entirely different story altogether)

Here's a funny concept for all of you: everyone's so sick of me asking questions they don't know how to answer, that now they just say "Well, you have to have faith".

Faith that overcomes all sense of sight and ends up in blissful naivity.

But hey, at least they won't spend all of eternity down among the flames of hell with Martha Stewart and Micheal Jackson, right?

Speaking of flames, I almost set my bedroom on fire today. Blame "art".

'But Mommy, it was my creative expression of the pain and suffering of starving children in third world countries that set the carpet on fire....'

Or, you know, idiocy and lack of control while making Christmas presents. Same thing, though, right?


"Mom, no! If you make the booger fall off my head, I'LL TURN INTO A MAN!!!!!"--My sister

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