11-29-04 . 6:01 pm

Okay, I'm re-updating. Because, god only knows, I only have about three hours worth of homework.

Three cheers for procrastination.

I feel like I should update about all the fabulous goings-on at St. Ho's.

Wendsday, I have to have a meeting with my looks-like-an-evil-fairytale-witch english teacher who likes to wear her hair in horns about my grade.

Last time I did that, she said she would stab me with a pencil if I didn't bring it up.

I'm no expert, but I think that's against The Teacher Handbook.

Speaking of remarkably incorrect and slightly painful to the retinas:

We watched Into the Woods today in drama.

And let's just say that the Wolf costume...Was entirely anatomically correct.


We're watching this play made for kids, and out walks this guy in a wolf costume....WITH EXACTLY WHAT WE'RE STUDYING IN HEALTH CLASS HANGING BETWEEN HIS FURRY, GREY LEGS.

Since when were penises acceptable in children's theatre??? I ask you?

Then today, one of the girls in my Algebra class told me that she had never been to a Denny's because "she didn't eat at poor people places like that."

I swear, my Trailer Trash levels are steadily rising by the minute. Not that my family's helping. My mom can't eat sticky things anymore because they make her teeth fall out. And my sister looks (and smells) like she sleeps in a barn.

So, anyway. Look, look, look at my archives pagey! It is completely beautious!

And, see, when I tell you to leave me notes today, you will all be happy. See? I made you a link.

Stay Sick~ Double Z

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