11-20-04 . 8:01 pm

Snapple lid says:

"Sniffing bananas and apples can help you lose weight."

You can call me the Banana Sniffer.

And at the very moment I read that, Brian Setzer yelled out "This is the SEXY UNDERWEAR SONG!"

Which seems to be a slightly strange combination of quotes, if you think about it...Maybe I�could combine them into one. Like "This is the SEXY apples can help you lose weight SONG!" or "Sniffing bananas and SEXY UNDERWEAR can help you lose weight!"

....Maybe not.

Lesson learned: Don't listen to live recordings and drink fruit juice.

I think.....

Today, I read the LA version of the You Know You're From...When... that Sarah had in her diary. Sadly enough, I got all of the jokes. That makes me feel rather depressed. They mocked the whole distance-in-time-thing a LOT.



"Oh my god, yeah- the thing with the thing at the place! That was totally rad!"

I'm going to use this eventually, I just don't know when:

Okay, (Texas accent)- here's a tip for all ya'll:

When you're making a drawing with song lyrics on it in your algebra class, and one of the "Oh My Virgin Ears!" girls walks up and asks you what song it's from, lie.

Only choose a good lie.

Instead of saying "Deathsex" when it was really "Fuck the World". Neither of which are really, you know, Catholic school appropriate. You should just say the song title for some crappy emo band and then she could gush all over you.

I swear. I'm begging expulsion aren't I?

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