11-09-04 . 6:29 pm

Well, for once, St. Ho's dealt out a good handful of controversy.

Shocking I know.

Think sit-in.

No kidding- from these girls. (Whose new theme song, I've decided, is "Transparent Creed" by The Devotchkas).

Twelve of them even got suspended.

I, however, did not participate.

And you know why? I'm not going to put myself at risk for something I don't know all the facts about.

That NO ONE knew all the facts about.

The short of the long of it is that one Junior- who's a Muslim- is wearing a headscarf for Ramadaan this month.

Which is cool for her, you know?

But, anyway. So the dumbfuck administration goes to her and says "Take it off, or you're expelled."

So she's expelled.

Which is absolutely fucking RIDICULOUS for so many reasons, but let me tell you something-

That was definitely only half the story. And no one knew it in full. NO ONE.

And, come on. Sitting on your damn school lawn is not the way to change a rule that our administration didn't make.

It was the goddamn archioscese. (sp)

So...I don't know. If someone will tell us everything, and it really is the way it sounds, a bunch of us are going to come in wearing headscarves. Myself included.

Because it's definitely something- if it is what it is- worth getting suspended, or expelled for.

My parents'll be cool with it too.

Actually, I called my mom up about it and one of the first things she said when we were talking about what to do about it, was that 'she didn't know anyone who could tie a headscarf for me'.

Rock on mom.

I dunno. I'm willing to risk myself on this, but only when I know what's going on.

That's my policy.

In other news, somebody keyed the homecoming queen's car with "YOU DON'T DESERVE IT" and then egged it.

Funny as hell.

Girls are fucking dumb.

Anyway, so that was my day. Woo-hoo, yay-rah.


You know the story- leave me notes and all that jazz.

I made a new template for Shutuphamlet. Tell me if you liiiiiike it.


P.S. Happy Devotchkas week. Check out my top-six list. I got called a lesbian today for it. Apperantly, people fail to realize there are just as many guys on it as there are girls....Hmmm...

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