10-19-04 . 7:33 am


My internet's been down because of the rain.

The rain.

I swear. The ONE TIME it decides to rain, my dad decides to pick me up late.

So I have to sit IN THE RAIN outside my school for an hour yesterday.

And let me tell you the secret about catholic school uniforms. When it's hot, you will pass out. If it is cold, however, they prove to be no more helpful than wearing Kleenex.

What the fuck.

And, I mean, COME ON.

I live in L-FREAKIN-A.

It hasn't rained in SIX MONTHS.

Why choose now? WHY?

Okay: and here's the conversation that defined my Sunday afternoon.

Sarah:- So they would kill you if you were Jewish, right?
Me- Yeah, but they would also kill you if you were a gypsy, or black, or...If you were gay...
Seventh Grader #1- Ohmigawd. So they, like, had gay people BACK THEN???
Me and Sarah: Yeah....
Seveth Grader #2- So they, like, had GAY CAVEMEN????
Me and Sarah- .........

Oh the joy of Dodson.

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