10-08-04 . 4:55 pm

Nothing better to finsih off a super-crappy day than having some weird guy poke at your eyeballs for thirty minutes.

Honestly. Why- WHY- does optometry not count as cruel and unusual punishment??

But- heh heh heh- I didn't have to do the jog-a-thon shit. (Tragic I know- I was sooooooo looking foreward to walking around the BLOCK with girls who I pretend not to know- Angeline, Mistress of the Yenny Loafers and Emily of the MAGIC CAPE didn't turn in their forms or whatever so they had to stay on campus)

Why is the punsihment always so much better than the reward? Ha ha ha.

Anyway. My mom picked me up early. Because....The jog-a-thon's stupid. And I whined about it. (I don't know why she picked this time to acknowledge my whinery...Ha ha ha...Whinery.....)

So we went to some thrift store. I was so jealous- we found this GORGEOUS pink shiny super-fluffy petticoat for my sister. I wanted it SO bad. But...She's seven....And....Yeah.

((Yes a petticoat- think circle skirts, stupid))

Speaking of- well, actually this has nothing to do with it, but HEY- holy hell. Saw more SPHS boys today.


Honestly. I do NOT like the fact that at all girls schools, there are no BOYS. (Shocking, I know).

I mean, really, there are good things about it. Really good things.

But I'm a cynical sympathy whore and would rather focus on the bad things.

And, man. Do I ever need some new music....Sadly, I'm saving for the most BEAUTIFUL pair of creepers in the whole universe (and rather pricey as creepers always are, may I add- but still beautiful).

Anyway. Semper ubi sub ubi. (That's some good ol' Latin class wisdom for you- that's all we learned today- we are full of bullshit- and going to fail- together).

Out for now. Leave me a note. I', always here, as many of you know.



"You said in a recent interview that the "perfect utopia would be for the artists to replace politicians and the government". Who should be president?

....Maybe Bowie should be king, then he could knight me.

What about a secretary of defense?

Beyonce because she's got the hips for it.

-----Marylin Manson in a Rolling Stone interview.

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