10-07-04 . 8:48 pm

Gee, there's just something about drinking soy milk and watching television programs about rapists that really just makes my day.

Oh, and hey, Chelsea- I found a song for you. It's by Reel Big Fish. It kind of goes along with your version of PETA. Ha ha ha.

Tomorrow's gonna suck.

We have a "Jog-a-thon".

It's tre Catholic-school chic. Ha ha ha.

Try lamest thing ever.

See, but because our school is too LAME to actually have a track or anything...We just walk around the block. Woo-hoo.

I bet all you public school kids are really wishing you were at St. J's right now, huh?

My grandma was here today. My grandma is weird.

She's developed this new thing where she touches my shoulder about a thousand times every conversation. It's really quite unnerving.....

Oi oi oi.

I wish I had something good to write about. I never do. Sigh.


"She pulls her kilt up just like a MAN!!"

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