10-06-04 . 4:49 pm

School elections suck and A.F.I. is being increasingly Good Charlotte-ized.

God. Must stop writing/talking about them. It bothers me. Mostly because it makes me feel like some Sing the Sorrow kid who's sitting on her bedroom floor writing angsty, dark poetry and treating Davey Havok as some kind of bizarre deity.

Yeah, well. Fuck you.

Just because he looks like a woman and wears tight pants, does not make him a religious figure. He's just a person.

It's GoodCharlotteization if I ever saw it. And it makes me really, really sad.

Actually, it was kind of funny- today I was listening to some stupid song of theirs (stupid in a bad way) and he made the exact same noise as my cat when you poke her really hard....Heh heh heh.

You know, not that I've ever just sat there and poked my cat multiple times just to see the different noises she'd make...Hee hee hee....


I promised my vote in tomorrow's class election to whoever would bring in muffins.

I just went up to all the girls and said "If you will bring me a muffin, I will vote for you."

Yeah, that's it.

P.S. Go Ask Alice is a stupid. She's a sympathy whore.

I don't care if she did die.

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