10-01-04 . 8:16 pm

Let it be known to all out there in god know's where that this week officially sucked.

It did.

It took suck to a whole new level.

I'm completely exhausted and feel like every single one of my flaws, both in terms of physical and personality, are magnified tenfold.

But ohmygod. I was watching one of St. Ho's plays from last year during drama (instead of rehersing) and HOLY FUCK. The guy who was playing The God of Death (which is rather ironic, actually, if you think about it) looked JUST like Jade Puget. Maybe it was all the eyeliner.

But seriously. If you gave him a weird dye job and some pink clothing.....

It totally made drama A LOT more appealing. Kinda makes me wish I'd auditioned for the play...

Oh and just so you know- I compared my mental status to that of a doorknob today.

The sad thing is, see, I didn't realize how stupid that sounded...Until after I said it and was receiving blank stares from the girls I said it to.

And I'm developing some kind of psychosymatic illness. I am. I feel like shit. On the inside. And now it's actually become physical. WOO HOO. It's kind of funny, actually, when you think about it.

Well. It's not funny at all.

Which makes it just hilarious. <

The Cramps always remind me of the Rocky Horror Picture Show....Sorry. They do. It's true.

I have nothing to write about. Just blah.

And we all get that, so there's no point writing.


Leave me a note. I'm lonely/bored/incredibly tired.

I miss you guys. It just hit me really bad today.

Today= Black Hole.

Just thought you should know.

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