09-27-04 . 7:12 pm

You know those days where everything that can ho wrong does?

And you look like shit and feel even worse?

And you leave your english paper that was worth god even knows how much in your locker?

And you find out that you have a D (+) in Religion even though you're really, really good at it?

But you have an A in Algebra and that's been your worst subject since you were in first grade?

And then, just to top the whole damn thing off, in health class you learn that you have abnormal stress levels due to the changes in your lifestyles and personal relationships?

Yeah, well. That was today.

I haven't had a day this aweful in a really long time.

And it feels just like school.

Because, to me, school is like having one big gaping hole through your middle and constantly feeling sick to your stomach and wanting soley to learn how to evaporate and NOT learn about helper t-cells.

Fuck everything, man.

It's been a rough one.

My English teacher wore a tiara and black nailpolish today with a shirt that said "I just haven't been the same since that house fell on my sister."

She makes us call her 'Ms. Hernandez Queen of All Knowing'.

No joke, we seriously get in trouble now if we just say Ms. Hernandez.

And, I also learned that none of my teachers are credible professionals. They're a load of shit. I only had one class today where I actually learned anything.

I did have one good moment.

It was afterschool, at drama rehersal.

I was sitting there, with the five other assholes in my group, and someone was playing a cheap acoustic across the room, and another kid was on the piano, and percussion was practicing outside.

It was completely dischord.

And absoluetly lovely.

I felt very safe, you know. Just completely surrounded by music, even if none of it was particularly good. Just the feeling of it.

It made me feel better.

And then I left. And had my dad talk to me about how ugly he thought tattoos and peircings were and how he would basically disown me if I got any and god knows what else.

Back to reality.

I'll keep working on that evaporation thing, though. I'll let you know if I get any closer.

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