09-26-04 . 3:59 pm

Don't feel great.
I swear. I hate the sun. I really do. I hate it when it's hot and I hate it when the sun is out.
It's just like last year. I don't really wake up until about four thirty and then, hey, look.
My day's already wasted.
And I can't stay up and enjoy the one good part of my day because the whole need-to-sleep thing gets in the way.
Stupid sleep.
I didn't get where I am today by getting enough sleep. Don't see why I should now.
I made fifty bucks this week.
Impressive, considering that I didn't actually, you know, do anything. Just helped my mom with all her e-bay shit.
Not complaining though. I can get that one pair of shoes I've wanted for ever now. They're so pretty. I'll add a picture...Later.
I've got so much fucking homework.
I hate homework.
And Miss Uber Catholic's gonna kill me tomorrow. I was supposed to e-mail her this stupid thing for our religion class.
But her e-mail adress is safely lodged in my locker.
Fuck that.
I'm so tired.

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