09-18-04 . 10:23 am

You know those commercials on that say "You see a cardboard box, they saw a dance floor"?

Yeah, well, You see the Eiffel Tower, I see a Tuna Casserole.

You see saran wrap, I see honors calculus.

I think I've listened to the song "Third Season" about twenty times...This morning.

I was watching the new Tiger Army video- which I didn't like- and Nick 13 has a really big mouth. It's true.

The whole damn video was just shots of this stupid chick's boobs and ass.

Which is ridiculous, because the lyrics to that song are really pretty and well-written.

I see well-written you see antique armchair.

Oh, that one was backwards wasn't it?

I think I actually get to go out into the human universe today. It's a good thing. You see good thing...Nevermind.

Oh, and by the way, just so you know- writing entries about Davey Havok's eyebrows is unhealthy either way you look at it.

You say obsessed, I say easily focused.

Fuck everything.


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