09-11-04 . 2:38 pm

I'm sitting across the hallway of my mother's classroom in the computer lab of some rich-kid college in the middle of hotas-fucking-hell rich-kid town.

It's all very shi-shi and posh....Needless to say, I'm sticking out pretty bad.

But, hey, no one's here to stare at me now. Oh no, I'm just being typical daughter-of-the-mole-people and sitting in front of a computer moniter in a dark, empty classroom listening to obscure bands with song titles like "Love Seeps Like a Festering Sore".

Sometimes it makes me wonder what the hell this is doing to my poor, young, tender psyche.

I mean, honestly- when was the last time you listened to a song from The Cenobites or 12 Step Rebels or Damage Done by Worms? When was the last time you actually heard anyone TALK about The Cenobites...Or 12 Step Rebels...Or DDBW?

Well, I've been listening to them for the past half an hour.

Yesterday, after the audition for Bosco, we drove Alix and Jen- carpool girl Number 2- home.

They were talking about what they wanted to do with their lives.

Jen- "When I grow up, I want to be an actress"

Alix- "When I grow up, I want to work for Disney"

Me- "When I grow up....I want a job."

So, as you can image, that really provoked some interesting statements on what high goals I set for myself.

I've been getting that a lot lately. Said and unsaid.

I'm just being thrown a fuck of a lot of "Look at you. When the hell are you going to get it together and figure it out, Elizabeth?" lately.

My grandparents refuse to have a conversation with me without mentioning college in at least every other sentance.

...It's like they're trying to tell me something...Hmmm....

Subtle as a train wreck, guys.

So that's it. I wish it would hurry up and get cooler. Hot weather's just not my thing. As Christian put it 'I'm only ableto exist at a constant seventy degree temperature'.

And my mom needs to finish printing her shirts with the monkeys on them. (Yes, monkeys). (I don't know either)

Oh what the hell. I'll just sit here and wallow in my dark little empty space. That's what I do all day anyway.

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