09-07-04 . 5:35 pm

I keep trying to think of something really meaningful and deep to say.

But then I kind of realize who's talking...And so I'll just ramble instead.

I'm in...A weird mood.

I don't know...School's a weird place and I'm still not quite sure what to make of it.

Am I honestly that different from the whole rest of the world?

Sorry. Out of contex question.

People there are just so different. I'm begining to feel like I have Rebellion: Do Not Fuck With Me written across my forehead.

These girls...They treat me funny. People are overly nice.

They like to walk with me in between classes. And people always know my name.

And today in Lit this girl was joking to her friend next to me and said 'Yeah, I'm such a punk'.

Then she saw me and got all apologetic and weird. 'I'm really not- I was just joking...'

It bothers me that people do that.

I'll talk later. Still feeling weird.


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