09-06-04 . 6:28 pm


Moment of remarkably low self worth.

I'm really tired of people buying me clothes that are shaped like garbage bags.

I am not shaped like a garbage bag.

But, man.

Sometimes the mirror is way too much for me to handle.

And I'm sick like fuck...Nevermind, that didn't make any sense.

I'm still, ill- let's put it that way.

But - as experirnce has proved- music heals all wounds- emotionally, and mentally.

Thus far, it has yet to make me actually physically better.....

But the year is hardly over and I still have hope.

Today= Misfits.

Yes. They make me happy inside- in a sick kind of way....Nevermind...Again.

He's a god, I swear. Danzig. He is one of the few who, in my book, can do absolutely no wrong.

I'm babbling.

But, hey, at least it's not about A.F.- No. RESIST. I caught myself, see?

Anyway. Today was boring as hell.

And it's fucking hot. This doesn't work for me. I was meant to live at a constant 70 degrees.

No quotes. Maybe I'll edit one in later.

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