09-05-04 . 10:05 pm

Holy fuck, do I ever hate being sick.

I feel aweful. Which is pretty weird for me because I have a weirdly strong immune system. And a freakishly high pain threshold. (You guys can just trust me on that one- and NOT try to test it out yourself. PLEASE).

So this is probably (knock on wood) the sickest I'll be for the rest of the year.


My dad had me play Rancid in the car. That was funny. For a lot of reasons.

I'm still in the New Wave thing...

So, you know.

....God. What was I talking about? Why do I say the phrase 'you know' every other sentance. It drives me crazy.

Okay- New Plan.

Every time I mention A.F.I. or Davey Havok in an entry someone gets to yell at me. How's that?

I'm honestly trying not to fixate so much. So now whenever I do it, someone can just verbally assualt me.

Or just go join the Hamletwildie Fan Club because that will piss me off just as much.

Yeah, that's right. That little bit was created by my dear friend Anonymoose.

You can consult her about it at her diary: here.

But ONLY if I mention them. THEN ONLY.

...I feel like I'm advertising myself...


Oh well.

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