08-14-04 . 7:31 pm

Hey, guess what I just realized???

Today, I was supposed to pack.

And do you know why I was supposed to pack?

Because tomorrow I am going to camp.

But I didn't.

Isn't that just hilarious?

I swear to god, sometimes even I wonder whether or not I'm on drugs.

So anyway. Yeah, I have a week's worth of shit to put into a bag that I'm not even sure exists.

Because I'm leaving....tomorrow....



Why the hell did I just realize that???

And why did it just strike me that, really, I have absolutely NO DESIRE to go to that goddamn place??

Yeah...Drugs again....

Sorry. Maybe it was the mayonnaise. Ha ha ha.

*Ah Memories*

Actually, today, while spending all that time not remembering what I should have done, I got quite a lot acomplished.

I....Uh....I looked at the school supplies we got....I thought about doing my hair.....I ate some string cheese....I realized what a great number of ways one can incorporate the words hell or satan or cat into your bad/album name....Need to stop pursuing psychobilly so strongly...Obviously....

What else did I do?...


No. No, that was it.

Hey, and considering that I got up at noon, I'd say that was entirely satisfactory.

Godammnit, I am so going nowhere.

Nah, what the hell, like I care.

So there you go.

I think I have to go procrastinate some more.

(I hope you're treasuring such philisophical and enlightening entries because you'll have to suffer without them for a whole week, fuckers).


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