08-06-04 . 7:24 pm

There is something undoubtedly worng with me.

And don't even start it.

Tell me how many times I've started conversations that way, and I'll tell you how many entries in this stupid diary get written and never posted because I have some sort of bizarre emotional void.

There are things I just refuse to understand, and it's frustrating me.

Mostly because I know I am closer to them than anyone has the right to be.

And if I just fucking opened my eyes and stopped pretending to be ignorant, I might be able to accept the fact that some things do not change and that I am what and who I am.

But for right now I will continue to pretend I have no idea what I'm about and am having the same roses and buttercups identity crisis that every false angsty teenage moron out there whines about.

Which is a load of bullshit.

Things are spelled out pretty simply, we're just too fucking blinded by the things we can't have to read it.

Everyone has pain in there lives, it's how you deal with it that determines what you are. Cause behind every blonde smile out there is a place that's as cold and dark as any ocean.

And if you can just make peace with it, and still retain your conciousness, you will be ultimately better than every kid in black lace and chains out there.

I am so sick of sob stories. You embrace it, you revel in it, you ignore it, you fear it, or you live with it.

That is who you are. Get the fuck over it.

It's there for everyone. No matter what mask they ever put on, we all have that same steel face.

I am in an overly bats and bullets phase at the moment.

It has not been a good week.

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