08-06-04 . 11:38 am

I had every intention of writing yesterday.

But then I realized that babbling about cleaning my mother's office couldn't really be that interesting.

But then I got the tedious task of categorizing all of the photos in our household.


It was kind of sad, actually. There was an entire box of pictures dedicated to my first five years.

There wasn't even half a box for my sister's entire life.

So that was sweetly vengeful in a way.

And then I got to see all thses pictures of Grandparents Number 1 when they were little.

They still look the same. Which is depressing because it means that when I am seventy years old, I'll still look like this.

I fear for the future.

So, anyway.

Don't expect anything today. It'll be even more non-interesting than yesterday.

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