08-04-04 . 10:43 am

Looks like I've been spared from Cleaning Hell today.

Which is good and bad, depending on how you look at it. Though I must say that the good tends to outweigh the bad rather astonishingly....

But bad because I get paid in CDs (and, hey, you can never have too many of those).

It's alright, however, because I know that I'll still have to keep doing it for about a week longer. Woo-hoo.

My mother made me go to K-Mart with her last night at like midnight.

And, can I just say, it was completely unnecessary because we don't live in the kind of cultural wasteland that would promote stores full of teenage pregnancies and screaming grandmothers.

We live like forty five minutes from LA- on a good day. I personally do not think we have any place in ig corporate stores that will one day take over the whole universe starting one trailer at a time.

But we still went. What a fucking nightmare.

And, the weirdest thing was, there were two people with mohawks. Shopping in K-Mart.

And they weren't together.

If you have a mohawk, you have NO RIGHT to be in disgusting establishments like that. It was repulsive.

It jsut makes me mad.

But what doesn't.

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