08-04-04 . 5:43 pm

Oh my god. I'm so excited.

Like seriously.

Alternative Press just earned major, major brownie points in my book.

Fuck the fact that they're currently a little emo/hardcore obsessed- come October, it's all good.

Let me explain.

Having the obsessive compulsive nature that I do, I actually e-mailed in a suggestion for their Ten Essential column.

I just said that in the magazine, all you get is information on stupid emo bands and that genres like Psychobilly and Rockabilly get completely ignored- even though their are thousands of kids out (me) there who find it much more interesting than everything else. And, at the very least, they should mention some bands in a 10 Essential column.

So, guess what?

They e-mailed me back and said that for Halloween they were going to do an article on the history of psychobilly. (Yay)

Who saw that one coming?

Anwyay, so that officially made my day. The guy that e-mailed me back was really nice too.

So...Uhhhh....Yeah. That was it.

I am happy.

Having that happen almost made me forget the fact that while listening to some song of Sing the Sorrow (a.k.a. The Lamest, Most Incredibly Overrated and Depressingly Aweful Album EVER from a Band Who Used to Kick So Much Ass), Davey Havok sounds just like Jordan Pudnik.



God. I really am happy.

It's weird.

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